<p>人们总是对Bonnie Tyler的两件事感到很好奇∶一是她湛蓝色的眼睛;另一则是为何她对未来,永远抱著乐观与喜悦的态度?Bonnie说∶「我的眼睛天生就是这麽蓝,我真的没有戴有颜色的隐形眼镜。」对Bonnie而言,她的眼线和早晨的第一杯咖啡同样重要,「没有画上眼线,我就觉得好像少了点什麽。如果旅馆失火了,我宁可不穿衣服跑到大街上,也不能不画眼线!」幽默感一向是Bonnie的特质之一,另外一个特质,就是她对成功的态度,虽然她已在全球造就了多首热门单曲,而且首首是排行榜的常胜军,但是对於自己的成功,她仍表示∶「不管我有没有上排行榜前十名,对我来说都没差别,因为我丈夫Robert还是会照样把茶端到床上给我喝。」<br/>「从我可以思考开始,我就开始唱歌了。我想可能是因为,我妈妈总是一天到晚哼哼唱唱的,我得想个方法与她对抗!」Bonnie如此回忆道。她与四个兄弟姐妹,在威尔斯一个叫做Skewen的美丽小村庄中长大,她拿零用钱买的第一张专辑,是Beatles的 A Hard Days Night。「当时我很迷Janis Joplin与Tina Turner,我常常拿著梳子当麦克风,在镜子前面表演,并随著她们的歌曲,在房间中舞上几小时。」<br/>这样的演练,很快的得到了回响。17岁那年,Bonnie参加一项才艺竞赛,获得了第二名,「这使我有勇气成立一个乐团。」她说。结果,她以主唱身份成立了乐团Imagination,在家乡当地红了七年之久。那段日子_,白天时她在超市当收银员,晚上时则在酒吧与俱乐部中演唱,一个星期中通常有六个晚上都排得满满的。1969年,在她的一次现场演唱中,听众席上有个人鼓掌的特别起劲,他就是Bonnie现在的丈夫----Robert Sullivan,从此,这个男人就成为她绚烂演艺生活中,一个稳靠的基石。1976年,Bonnie获得一纸唱片合约,以单曲 Lost In France 获得国际乐坛的瞩目,这首歌在德国Top10排行榜中停留六个月之久。一个摇滚巨星就此诞生!<br/>1976年底,Bonnie经历了一次声带手术。「我奉命六个星期不能说话,但是我并没有遵守。」这位46岁的超级女歌手说。Bonnie 并没有因此自怨自艾、也没有遵守医生的指示,反倒使她原本就独树一格的歌声,更加的有磁性,从她1978年推出的 It's a Heartache一曲中,听众就可以见识她声音的魅力。该曲一发行,旋即在全欧洲的排行榜拿下榜首,甚至将Michael Jackson的 Billie Jean挤下冠军宝座。<br/>1983年,Bonnie找到了她音乐制作上好搭档Jim Steinman,他曾为Meat Loaf写过许多好歌。这对完美搭档交出的第一份成绩单,就是专辑「Faster Than The Speed Of Night」 ,它在非常短的时间内,便稳坐英国排行榜首,同时在美国获得白金唱片佳绩。该专辑中的单曲 Total Eclipse of the Heart,深深触动许多听众的心弦,所以成为百万销售热门单曲,在英美两地都拿下单曲榜冠军。「我爱极了这首歌,总是一遍又一遍的演唱它,从不厌倦。」不久後,Bonnie又陆续造就了 Holding Out For A Hero (1986)及 If You Were a Woman (1988)两首热门单曲。<br/>1994年,德国声誉极高的Echo奖,将「最佳国际女歌手」的头衔颁给了Bonnie Tyler。「我的墙上已经没有空间了,我必须在厨房_腾一块地方出来。」Bonnie开玩笑的说到自己所获得的各种奖项。她对自己的生活感到很快乐,她说∶「我自己没有小孩,但是我的16个侄子与侄女,让我的大房子热闹的不得了。」目前她正在学习法文,「我们尽量挪出时间,待在我们葡萄牙的家中,但是每回我们住在那时,我都很懊恼,不知道如何和我的法国邻居聊天,他们家没有人会说英文,我们家又没有任何人会说葡萄牙语,所以现在我决定来学他们的语言。」这样一来也好,因为Bonnie再也不会「迷失在法国」(Lost In France 她的代表歌曲)了!<br/></p><p>下载地址:http://greenink.bar.ru/rest/Music/bonnie_tyler_total_eclipse_of_the_heart.mp3</p><p>歌词</p><p>Westlife - Total Eclipse Of The Heart <br/>专辑:The Love Album <br/>Total Eclipse Of The Heart--Westlife(西城男孩) <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i get a little bit lonely <br/>and you're never coming round <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i get a little bit tired <br/>of listening to the sound of my tears <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i get a little bit nervous <br/>that the best of all the years have gone by <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i get a little bit terrified <br/>and then i see the look in your eyes <br/>turn around bright eyes, <br/>every now and then i fall apart <br/>turn around bright eyes, <br/>every now and then i fall apart <br/>and i need you now tonight <br/>and i need you more than ever <br/>and if you'll only hold me tight <br/>we'll be holding on forever <br/>and we'll only be making it right <br/>cause we'll never be wrong together <br/>we can take it to the end of the line <br/>your love is like a shadow <br/>on me all of the time (all of the time) <br/>i don't know what to do and i'm always in the dark <br/>we're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks <br/>i really need you tonight <br/>forever's gonna start tonight <br/>forever's gonna start tonight <br/>once upon a time i was falling in love <br/>but now i'm only falling apart <br/>there's nothing i can do <br/>a total eclipse of the heart <br/>once upon a time there was light in my life <br/>but now there's only love in the dark <br/>nothing i can say <br/>a total eclipse of the heart <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i know you'll never be the boy <br/>you always you wanted to be <br/>turn around, <br/>every now and then i know there's no one <br/>in the universe as magical and wonderous as you <br/>turn around bright eyes, <br/>every now and then i fall apart <br/>turn around bright eyes, <br/>every now and then i fall apart <br/>and i need you now tonight <br/>and i need you more than ever <br/>and we'll only be making it right <br/>cause we'll never be wrong together <br/>we can take it to the end of the line <br/>your love is like a shadow <br/>on me all of the time (all of the time) <br/>i don't know what to do and i'm always in the dark <br/>we're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks <br/>i really need you tonight <br/>forever's gonna start tonight <br/>forever's gonna start tonight <br/>(once upon a time i was falling in love) <br/>but now i'm only falling apart <br/>there's nothing i can do <br/>a total eclipse of the heart <br/>a total eclipse of the heart </p> |